Friday, May 29, 2015

Free Shoot

Loren Connet, an OSU student balances on a slack line at the 29th Street park in Corvallis.

Landon Prescott focuses on keeping his feet on the 2 inch slack line as he walks across.

Connet, left, and Prescott, right, barbecue hamburgers on memorial day at the park.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Forum 8

Topic 1:
To me, the most important innovation in photography was when George Eastman created Kodak and brought photography to the general public. Before that, only the wealthy had the oppourtunity to have their pictures taken. Eastman allowed everyone to have chance to record their own personal lives and have memories they could pass on to future generations.

Topic 2:
For my photo story I am going to take pictures of someone getting a tattoo done. I'll obviously have to get a before and after shot, but I think the most important shots i'll get will be the one's I get while it's happening. I think getting a few close up's of the persons facial expressions while they are getting the tattoo will make for some interesting shots.

Action Shots

Adrian Manning of Corvallis, takes a rest as he surveys the empty skatepark.

Manning, prepares to drop into the bowl at the skate park in Corvallis.

Adrian Manning exits the skate bowl while performing a board slide.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Forum 6

Topic 1:
I really like this picture because you can tell exactly what's happening in it. It freezes the action perfectly. I really like the lower angle at which the picture is taken from because it allows you to see both the infielder and the baserunner's faces. My questions for Scobel would be, how do you position yourself for sports photo's, what shutter speed do you use and what is your favorite sport to shoot?

Topic 2:

My biggest challenge in this assignment was finding people to take picture's of. I like the picture of Reser because of the symmetry. If I had to do this again, I would go to my actual home town, that way I would know exactly where to go to catch people in action.

Forum 5

Topic 1:
My favorite photo story was the one about the immigrant's who jump onto moving trains in order to get across the Mexican-American border. I enjoyed how compelling the overall story was and the determination of these people. The most obvious challenge the photographer faced was the fact that he had to make the jump onto a moving train in order to get the shots he needed. I need to be willing to put this level of fearlessness into my photo story.

Topic 2:
For my photo story I want to either follow an athlete as the prepare of a game, or visit a construction site and track the progress that is made. For both of these i'm going to need inside access that the general public won't have.

Forum 4

Topic 1:
1: Section 4 of the Code of Ethics stood out to me the most. It can be tough to walk the line between remaining respectful and still getting the right shot to tell the story. #5 is also stood out to me because it focuses on the same issue, it can be hard to remain unobtrusive when you're pointing a camera in someones face.

Topic 2:
Favorite photo's
I really love this picture of Heathers just because of it's overall beauty. The colors are extremely vivid and contrast well with the darkness of the tree line.

I like this picture from Scott that he took at the fire drill because of the pure boredom on the faces of the subjects.

My Neighborhood

Oregon State Universities, Reser Stadium.

The "Iron Man" Statue, dedicated to members of the Oregon State's  1933 Football team, stands just inside Reser Stadium.

Homeless disabled veteran Jeff, sits outside Safeway in Corvallis. Despite being unemployed and his disability checks still not coming, he has managed to almost raise enough money for rent on an apartment.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Oregon State Track Meet

Anthony Gutrick, from University of Oregon's track club, waits anxiously to run his leg of the 4X400 at Saturdays track meet.

Former Olympian, Geena Lara, sets the pace during the first lap of the women's 800.
Jesse Goodier and Miles Berglund battle to the finish line in Men's 4x400 meter relay.

A competitor from Lane Community College attempts to clear his height in the Pole Vault at OSU's High Performance track meet.